Saturday, October 10, 2009

United We Just Stood For 62 Years... Divided We Will Prosper.

Not just Another Idea. The ground Reality is forcing me to lead this movement of "IGNITED STATES OF INDIA".

The states of India will have there own supreme powers, Above all will rest the New Unified Constitution of India. The states shall get powers of a country and will function separately not seeking any assistance from United whole. The "United India" will be consisting of "IGNITED STATES OF INDIA". Ignited in the sense that, all the states will strive for betterment and upliftment of the farmers and people who earn less wages (I am not calling anyone "poor" that is a bad word. Its just that they are not able to earn wages to fulfil there basic needs because of several reasons...and we are partly responsible for them)... This is the very first priority. Excellence will follow.

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