Friday, May 20, 2016

Universal & Personal Prayers Why?

Every person should choose two kind of prayers.
One Universal
One Personal


Universal prayer; when he wants to give back to the universe. When he wants to enrich the soul of world. Soul of world is a piggy bank. It's a piggyback of good deeds, good thoughts, good emotions, caring, empathy, mercy towards mankind and animals. So when a person is filled to the top with abundance of energy. He must say this universal prayer to deposit his good vibes in the soul of world.

Personal prayer; when he wants to overcome negativity, hatred, problems, unwillingness to be part of solution, loss of control, unable to take decisions. Certainly you don't want to deposit this things in the piggy bank of world. You want to destroy these bad vibes at it's origin, at it's source, that is you. The purpose of personal prayer is to destroy fear, anger, hatred, uncertainly, inability to take decisions. He must say this prayer whenever he's in doubt, it will guide him like a lighthouse beacon.

Universal Prayer:
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।
मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥

Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ
Sarve santu nirāmayāḥ
Sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu
Mā kashchit duḥkha bhāgbhavet

May all be prosperous and happy
May all be free from illness
May all see what is spiritually uplifting
May no one suffer

Personal Prayer:
असतोमा सद्गमय ।
तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय ।

asato mā sadgamaya
tamasomā jyotir gamaya

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;

Being a fellow of science, I differ from asking what is after death.
But in order to attain universal spiritual elevation; I embrace the thoughts wholeheartedly.


Tuesday, May 03, 2016

What is Love

Interpretation could vary from person to person, but every one of us had our own way to experience it.

It's that oneness which makes you feel the same pain, your loved one is going through. It's the moment when she feels the pain, but you have tears in your eyes. Love is reciprocation of not just feelings but inner vibes, resonating with your partner's vibe on the same plane. It's when you experience that oneness, the physicality ends. The joy of meeting someone on that plane; is Love.