Sunday, January 18, 2009

That's true !!!

People man people ha ha ha... When you see the things from a distance you laugh at them , when you are a part of it ..someone seeing you from distance laughs at you … Amazing isn't it... sometime we are laughing at someone and, sometimes we become the reason for others to laugh at us. The game continues like this ..switching the sides. Giving and receiving. Watch out for a danger, someone said - relationships works best only when they are balanced. Don't just hold on for too long until you become vulnerable to the threat of being taken for granted. This is the point where the relationship ends. So it's better not to take things seriously until you become a priority and not just an option.
Optimism and positivism are sometimes words for cowards who dare not to challenge the situation and keeps continuing with it, rollback is necessary when going gets tough. You can't change someone's mind if he/she doesn't like you. Rollback. You are not alone in this world. There are endless possibilities if you break your shell and come out. And even the time will not be the same. No matter people like you or not, remember only one thing ... Honesty, Trust, and Truthfulness can only take you to where you want to reach. Hold on to these things and see the difference.

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