Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tags and Labels

Money spinners get tags and labels.

Less achievers get tags and labels.

Average people get tags and labels too.

Doers non doers all get tags and labels.

It wasn't the case before 50 years.

As the ambitions grew, markets opened, opportunities increased, everyone started competing and started getting tags and labels.

In a far away town in Austria, lapped in the mountains, there's a coffee & pizza shop. A small town.

Less ambition or no ambition. Not much of internet.

Serving the travellers and localities, the shop owner lives a simple yet contented life.

He has a fireplace and enough wood to last the winter.

He has a roof over his head and ample space to grow flowers around his house.

He has a small family which works with him and does not demand moving to another place.

He doesn't know much about politics, materialistic needs, wealthy ambitions of world.

He is happy and contented, surrounded by the mountains, greenery all around, round the year and earns much from occasional tourists and locals to carry out daily business.

Who decides whether he is successful or not?
Who decides whether he is wasting his life living on his own terms?
Who decides whether he should continue to live like that or aspire for more?

He loves the rain.

He loves the start of snow.

He loves the howling of wolves in night.

He loves to hike when it's sunny.

He was indifferent, He was once in the epicenter of action, in a buzzing city, boozing every night partying amidst city people. But at heart, he never forgot his destiny.

Will he be able to make it to that small town?
Will he be able to hear the truth amidst the unnecessary cacophonous worldly noise?
Will he be able to shade the tags and labels and not care about them any longer?

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