Saturday, December 27, 2014

Frames of references

Life goes transitioning from one frame of reference to other. No... This is not a lecture on Einstein's thought experiments but yes it sure do is a mind game. Trick and treat. It all begins, when your mind takes a step ahead in future and starts living in an imagined frame of reference. Have you watched the movie "In Pursuit of Happyness"? The lead in the movie always imagines to be a stock broker, he imagines himself to be part of that frame of reference, where; according to him people are happy and contented. Life is all about transitioning from one frame of reference to another. Sometimes better sometimes bitter. One always looks ahead to fit into what his/her mind says as the next destination. Its like a stop in journey. You visit that frame, be a part of it, behave like you belong there and then you move on to some other frame. Some people need not have to go through these transformations but they have their own problems to deal with. This transitioning from one frame to another brings struggle in life, both physical and mental. This is what keeps people alive and aspiring. This is what asks more from them everyday so that one day they wake up in their desired frame. This is what life is.

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