Sunday, October 05, 2014

Ice cream

I always wanted to write about it...

About eating Ice cream. 

Journey of that cup of Ice cream. Pampered from the beginning, taken care and kept in favorable conditions since it's made. Reaching to the tongues in same way ... cold and creamy.

Cut to the childhood. 

We didn't had fridge at home when I was a child. Ice or Ice cream was like a delicacy. Going to eat Ice cream used to be a planned event. Going to Ice cream parlor, looking inside that mini sliding fridge at the cups of different flavors. Taking each bite as small as possible so that it wont finish soon...

As a child I had dreamed of a fridge as tall as me when I grow up filled with Ice cream cups, cones and kulfies.

Cut to the adulthood.

Life has been fair and given a chance to grow and achieve the dreams.

Still I haven't loaded the fridge which is taller than me with Ice cream.

Whenever I hold cup of Ice cream or cone in my hand, I get a surge of unexplainable emotions.

It's a consumable delicacy brought to customer's with utmost care. Right from manufacturing, transportation and storage - it's given special treatment.

We care so much for Ice cream but we do not care for..... childhood of million of children dying of hunger. A cup of Ice cream at decent hotel can easily afford a two time meal for anyone who has not dipped his presence into luxuries of life.

Parched tongues at traffic signals, begging for few rupees or selling items to make a livelihood.

I'm not against spending money on luxurious possessions and good lifestyle, but at the same time I would never shy away from generously donating money for social causes.

I live with this battle everyday. Minimalistic living or Consumerism. Donations or Seva.

Donations are indirect ways of helping the cause but Seva is superior.

Giving your time is the best contribution you can make to better your soul. I have observed with self experience, Seva is the only way to free this soul of worries and stress. It is superior to what money can do. I guess this is the reason of profound faith and smile on faces of most NGO workers who work directly with the downtrodden. Joy of Seva is incomparable to any other joy.

Back to Ice cream

I eat after meal or a drink or two but I feel disgusted at my apathy at that moment.


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