Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is it Maktub?..or Is it Choices you make becomes your destiny?

Life has been changed. The biggest advantage of living is the living itself.
The more I live, the more I am getting solved and still puzzled like hell. It's my life and it's the life of friends shaping up that makes me think. One life is like one experience or rather a living experiment going on. My life too is an experiment. I am no different than anyone else. Only thing that makes me different at this moment is, Im taking some time out from this experiment to look at it. This may be part of my experiment,and I don't know this fact; but it certainly has an impact on altering the course of my own experiment.

I see people loving each other, I see them getting married to somebody else. Was it destined? or Was it because of there unability to voice there feelings?
Why on earth such painful things happen?  You may start loving the person who comes next in your life--BUT what about the unfinished experiment of love that you left behind you. Dont you think it will someday fire back. Even if it doesnt fire back, dont you feel you have burnt your heart before moving forward?

No one is able to forsee the future but is it really necessarily to punish your present for a better One? Im not going to stop today. Why the hell life is so difficult in this country... Whose marrying whom? The girl and the boy or there families? And what about the feelings you shared with that special someone in your life?

It's just about finishing the duty of getting your daughter married to someone of your status, someone of your daughters status, and somone who belongs to a family of same caste. The sameness kills. Why on earth these parents don't understand what friends can understand? Yes one clean look into the eyes of your loved one's and you get to know what's in there heart. Friends, they know you from just few years but still they can make out, what about your parents, they know you from your birth.  Why do they turn a blind eye to your heart? It's for the sake of saving there face. It's for the sake of living in this society. Yes we are raised from childhood, imbibing the same thing... don't get close to a person of opposite sex coz someday you are going to get married to someone of there choice. Do hell with this custom of arranged marriages. Who said marriages are made in heaven? No they are not, they are arranged.

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