Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Start of knowing...

Can't really describe how it feels like.. but it stops the doubts and calms me down. It's the start of knowing KARMA. The strong attitude of mine which always forces me to learn from my own experiences has brought me to a place from where I can see the things with great openness and unbiased. It's the Start of Knowing... again with own experiences. The child who became a MAN can see the surrounding with a difference. It's not much but certainly it's fulfilling. And it was also start of knowing about greatness of Indian culture. No I am not boosting of its greatness, but certainly its completeness. The men who are backed with books like Bhagvad-Gita will enjoy this phase of existence called life. The joy is simply unexplainable. I am being a atheist even one step more than that, took 24 years to realize the importance of what is written there in Bhagvad-Gita. And the book is believed to be here since ages. The wisdom the knowledge given by this imaginary person called Krishna to his fellow Arjuna, is simply relevant in all frames of references. I don't want to argue denying the concepts of gods and daemons but we can still move forward keeping them aside.

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