What if Google provides its services to only Google Chrome users ??? and not in other browser. thinkkkkkkk...
Each computer user is hooked to Google by some or the other way. Orkut, Blogger, Gmail, Google Code, Google Translator, Picasa and what not... One cannot pass time without using one of these application/services. Today i really faced this problem as usual came from office, and opened firefox and logged in into gmail.... wht no response "Waiting...for gmail" from sooo long... I got pissed off... thought time to reinstall firefox..but TOI and wiki were opening ..felt strange. then obviously tried IE... same problem.. Not even Google Search was working in firefox and IE. Then got the clue..what it could be ...
I had already installed chrome since the day it was made available.. thought I will give it a try to prove my point and TO MY HORROR < IM WRITING THIS BLOG AT THIS TIME USING GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER >. This is only second time I am using Chrome.

Chrome is at present available for windows and is open source... but I guess Google will be soon launching an all OS compatible Chrome. I can even write one browser on my own, but what if Google has a tech-know-how to know the browser type before authenticating any service requests from Google servers.. the catch lies there.
Going one step further, if tomorrow Google launches a new OS, and they stop supporting open source and charge for everything ! and imagine if Google OS is mandatory if one wants to use all Google services... Are to biting your nails or shivering at this idea !!! Anything can happen... After all they have tamed the web, internet and a vast huge set of net users worldwide.

Though it may be some problem with my machine, or just so that Murphy is on my side today... or may be just because my head is aching.. BUT still.. Just Imagine... if one day... What if Google decides something evil like this... and continues it's strike in all available popular browsers. then it's a great big Challenge before Microsoft and the open source community... anyway I have learned how to use Chrome and also it's free to download ;-)
At the core of all this free services, Google has it's hidden commercial interests. Have you ever thought how the advertisements in your Inbox are relevant to your mood/travel plan/shopping decisions etc. It's all scanning through your mails/conversations/likes/interests/gossips and providing suitable ads, generating revenues for Google.
Ever wondered, how the junk mails that use to come from bot like addresses are now bearing your best friends names or the ones from whom you read every mail , message or frequently keep in touch. You cant resist ti immediately click open the mail and read the contents only to know its an advertisement. Google is doing at it's best in getting every bit of information about you to make them salable to the ads/marketing world. AND who is at the receiving end. You & Me.
Guys and girls think many times whether you really need to depend so much on this online world. It's a sheer compromise of personal privacy and we can't fathom upto what extent it can be exploited.
Be Damn Careful !
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